Saturday 8 December 2012




I am not a satisfied and happy nurse. I think if the job we do is not satisfactory it will not worth. Professional development starts when we feel starting satisfaction in our profession. There are certain moments in my life I want to share with my readers. 

 I have into the nursing from 2004(joined for BSc nursing). I have good and bad memories about my college life. We used to go to Jaya Arogya / hospital/ medical college for our clinical. We were posted in different departments.

My first posting was in the ortho (surgical) ward. I was so worried, don’t know what to do? Patients were crying, nurses were busy with their works, ward was a total mess. The ward in charge sister called me and asked for assisting with an external fixation care. It was a case of multiple open fractures in the leg., smell of blood and anti septic lotions, hydrogen peroxide and patient was crying with pain. I found difficult to even stand with the patient. I cleaned the wound so softly so that the patient will not cry, but I insisted to do it rigorously. Within a week I have started giving IV medications and IM. It was so fast I learned. I learned it not because I was curious or a quick learner, just because there was less nurses and students. I helped in charges in every kind of duties from cleaning to medication administration. I became familiar to the ward and patients. I got a positive energy to learn. I still remember one of the senior students from a college taught me how to administer IV injections; he was from Grantham College of Nursing Gwalior. Cancer college of nursing, is one of the finest institutions in Gwalior, their students were moon walkers, they never cared about others, looked like they are trying to become elite and so higher but actually they were not.
Text Box: Figure 1jayaarogya hospital
It was in a Monday, I got posted again in the same ward after few weeks. Me and my noble friend Prijo was helping the sister incharge in preparing IV medications. We were so busy that we couldn’t even notice doctors in ward. Doctor called some student for helping him in dressing a patient. Students who were in the ward escaped, because the doctor was really short tempered. He got angry because there was no body to help him; he did his work without any assistance. When he came in to the nurses’ station there were me and poor Prijo preparing IV medication. He got angry suddenly and shouted at us to get out of the ward. We were looking at each other, without knowing why he said it. While I was trying to explain to him he pushed prijo from the room. Patients were looking at us, like we caught of steeling something. I felt really embarrassed. I started arguing, and then he pulled my collar and pushed me away. I am a very thin person, I just flown in the air. We both were afraid and embarrassed, trying to get out of the ward found doctor screaming again behind, without thinking the after effects I shouted him back ( still don’t know whether he heard it or not) “shut up your bloody mouth”. I was so afraid to go to that ward again; luckily my posting was in another ward from next day. The sister in charge told me in the next postings, he did it without knowing don’t take it seriously. 

Still this memory hurts me, by thinking that he did it to us because we were nursing students. If we were not he may at least waited for a reason. Control over our temper is really important for a health care professional. When we shout at somebody it not only disturbs them but also the working environment. The kind of pain what we give to an innocent mind will not scar. It remains as a deep wound, unhealed and infected with the other incidence.



  1. hey prasanth, i do have sympathy for what u have suffered.but be strong and be ready to fight for our right.When we know we are right and we have knowledge base , we should never afraid.but at the same time never b aggressive.Things can be sorted out much easier by being calm.Do not underestimate urself, NEVER.
    Thank you.
    Krantee More
    P.B.BSc Nurse, MHA

  2. this is our mistake b/c all posted student escaped from ortho ward.we are posted in same ward. i know this story.

  3. but Doctor was really danger

  4. i think a doctor cannot over rule our profession and how can a doctor have authority to harass other professional? we are entirely different from their profession. we work in a different department. he might not have done this to me if was a physiotherapy student or pathology student...this thinking still arose more.

  5. ur r right brother.but everything is possible in india.


  7. Stories tell more of the circumstances confronted by nursing students during their close observation of the ailing patients and enlighten any one reading it to be more holistic in any profession. Good attempt.

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